AISIN harnesses the high-level technical abilities and experience that has cultivated as one of the world’s leading comprehensive automotive parts manufacturers to deliver a wide range of products to repair and service markets around the world.
Moving forward, we will go on contributing to the achievement of enriching automotive experiences that will allow our customers to continue driving their cars with increased safety and comfort.

Our corporate logo symbolizes our philosophy: Inspiring “movement”, creating tomorrow.
The large, rounded top of the typeface represents unity and togetherness. The design evokes all of our AISIN Group companies working together in unity to achieve even more ambitious goals. The gently rounded lettering reflects our goals: happiness and beauty for our future earth.
The italic text and streamlined accents represent the energy and drive of our employees as they achieve their dreams and aspirations to create a brighter future.
Our corporate logo represents the company we want to be, our hopes and ideals, as well as our determination to achieve our goals.

AISIN has been actively involved in preventing the manufacturing and sale of counterfeit products. In addition to our own efforts, AISIN is also participating with the “NO Counterfeit Parts” movement in conjunction with the Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA).
Our goal is to eliminate counterfeit parts through individual and organized group efforts. If you have any information on the sale or production of counterfeit items, please contact your local representatives immediately.

Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA) is providing a series of posters as part of the “No Counterfeit Parts” movement. To provide international awareness of illegal activities, posters are available in several key languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic. Please contact your local sales representatives to receive posters and additional information.