Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd. (President: Kiyotaka Ise), together with Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Group companies, will start production of simplified bed frames and simplified partitions in mid-May, as part of the Kokoro Hakobu Project,* an initiative for supporting the around-the-clock efforts of those working on the frontlines to diagnose and treat patients with COVID-19.
In designing and producing these support items, Aisin utilized not only the technologies and expertise that it has cultivated in developing and producing automotive parts, but also the company’s experience in developing its proprietary sewing machines, beds, and other household articles. Starting in May, Aisin plans to produce two simplified beds and 16 sets of simplified partitions per day, and supply them upon request of medical sites.
Furthermore, to help to solve as much as possible the shortage of face masks in society resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Aisin will start producing face masks for its employees at group facilities in early June, thereby promoting self-sufficiency in the supply of face masks.
Giving the highest priority to the health and safety of all stakeholders, including employees and their families, the Aisin Group will continue making efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Furthermore, based on the policy of the entire Toyota Group to be “mindful of the feelings of those in the midst of this pandemic, reach conclusions more swiftly, make prompt decisions, and take immediate action faster than ever in focusing on safety and security as the highest priorities,” Aisin will consider further measures from various aspects and continue to take quick action to help efforts on the frontlines of treatment and in limiting the further spread of COVID-19, which has become society’s biggest priority.
* The Kokoro Hakobu Project (Kokoro Hakobu means “to carry or deliver one’s heart” in Japanese) has been the collective name of nationwide initiatives by Toyota, Toyota sales outlets in Japan, and their employees to provide continuous and long-term support to disaster-affected areas in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The name has the connotation of “carrying you in our hearts.” Based on Toyota’s desire to contribute in some way to people who have contracted and are suffering from COVID-19, as well as to the medical professionals, Japan’s central government, and local governments in Japan fighting the disease night and day, Toyota has decided to apply “The Kokoro Hakobu Project” as its overall moniker for related support activities conducted by companies of the Toyota Group working together.